Cucumis - Shërbim përkthimi në linjë falas
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Rezultojne 1-2 për rreth 2
gjuha e tekstit origjinal
Kjo kërkesë për përkthim është "Vetëm kuptimi".
Anglisht 1)Put the DLL make in Gunz Folder 2)Open My...
1)Put the DLL make in Gunz Folder
2)Open My program
3)Select Gunz.exe
4)Choose a good DLL name (i donht know if that's buggd but he make a dll)
5)Then you klik on the button New Coder Finder and choose a copple of good codes
6) Go Back to program and typ in DLL Source Codes:the code;other code;and a copple more
7)Klik on Create And the dll had come in the gunz folder and then you most open injec-Tor and put it in

Përkthime të mbaruara
Hebraisht 1. שים את קובץ ה - DLL בספריה Gunz